Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lost and Found

Last night was one of those nights when I was really really ready for bed. At 11pm I was pretty sure everyone was down for the night. No noise was coming from upstairs and so as not to disturb their slumber I just shut off the light in the hallway and threw myself in bed. As I lay there I could actually feel my back and shoulder muscles loosening. I was relaxing for the first time all day. After just a bit I was in that foggy state where you're not really awake but you're not asleep either. I heard a shuffling noise and then the following:

Tea: (loudly, this kid has no "indoor voice") Mom, my poop.

Me: (very groggily) Huh?

Tea: My poop and my lost it.

Me: (Jumping up, in this house lost poop is a true emergency, this we must find) You lost it where? Where did you poop?

Thankfully she lead me to the toilet where she obviously "lost" her poop down the drain.

Me: Oh honey you didn't lose it, it just went down the drain.

Tea: Ohhhhh, down the dwain. Ok Mommy, my going back to bed, goodnight.

Whew, that could have been really bad!


Christine said...

LOL, there's nothing like a poop scare to wake you up! I glad she found it :)

me said...

LMAO That is truly funny, QB, thanx for sharing!! I'm happy you found the poop...hehe