Friday, November 02, 2007

A Day in the Life: Morning

Just for fun, to kick off November, I have decided to blog my day today. I will continue to update all day long until my head hits the pillow. Enjoy!

4:57: Wake up to the sound of Midge fussing and wonder what could possibly be wrong.

5:05: Contemplate whether or not I should go get her and put her in my bed before she wakes up the other girls.

5:07: Go upstairs to check on Midge. See that she has vomitted yet again (not a lot) and bring her downstairs. Clean Midge up and put her in my bed to get just a little bit more sleep.

5:45: Hear Tea coming down the stairs screaming. Run to get her before she wakes everyone up. Put her in my bed as well. There are now 3 kids and me in the bed. The King is at work.

6:00: The baby wakes up and I feed her while still in bed.

6:30: Tea and Midge wake up again and are fighing (with screams not words) over who is laying closest to me. I'm too tired to really care.

6:45: All is quiet. I would get out of bed, but it's too cold.

7:00: I try to sneak out of bed to start breakfast. Tea and Midge sneak out with me. Fighting, again with screams, over who is walking closest to me.

7:15: Chiggie is now awake and a breakfast of pancakes and juice is served. Midge screams for a pancake and at this hour my ears concede. I am hopeful the morning puke was just a fluke.

7:25: Get a shower started for Chiggie and put cartoons on for the little girls. At this point Boo is still sleeping in my bed.

7:35: Get Chiggie out of the shower. Help her get ready for school and fix her hair.

7:55: Load everyone into the car to drive to the school which is 3 blocks away. It's too cold to walk and the girls aren't feeling up to it. Unfortunately loading them all up is harder than just walking.

8:15: Get back home (we wait in the car until Chiggie is called into her classroom by the teacher at 8:10) and put the little girls into the tub to get ready for the "fun run" at Chiggie's school today.