Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A little Backwards and Spoiled Rotten

Since things have been a little backwards lately I decided to make a big breakfast for dinner tonight. We ate pancakes made from scratch, scrambled eggs, and sausage. It was a big hit with the girls and a pretty easy clean up. Easy clean ups are a big deal when you don't have a dishwasher. I know, I know live in the now already. Our house is old though. Like over a hundred years old and nobody ever put one in.

In other news when Boo was in the hospital I was really freaked out. She looked awful. She had an IV in her scalp, didn't want to eat, and was really fussy. I basically held her the whole time she was there. She never even got in the little metal crib, I just put her in my bed. Well you can probably see where I'm going with this. Now she expects the royal treatment everyday. If she's not sleeping then she demands to be held. Either in the front pack or my arms. I'm happy to oblige, but sometimes I really need to get things done that require my arms to free. I can't help it though, every time she cries her lower lip just trembles and that's all it takes. *sigh*


me said...

Welcome to the world of AJ. LOL He was absolutely AWFUL about being held all the time and still is! He's 2.5 and still regularly asks to be held and cuddled. He is my cuddle bug and I cannot deny him...I just can't. Pathetic, yes. ;) I'm so sorry you had to experience the scalp IV, we had a scalp blood draw and that was horrific. Ugh, the images never quite leave on those.
I'm glad dinner was a hit and I'm sorry to hear you have no dishwasher. I have a crappy one, if that makes it any better? No? Ok, sorry. lol Enjoy your cuddlebug while you can!!!