Friday, November 09, 2007


The things we do for our kids. It's book fair time at Chiggie's school. Her class was taken to the fair earlier in the week and they all made wish lists. Why do they do this knowing that some kids will just be disappointed? Chiggie fell in love with a Barbie book that came with reusable stickers and a little story board. She went on and on about the book and really wanted to go back and get it. Yesterday was family day and we went right before our Daisy meeting.

Unfortunately, I think every student that attends the school and all of their family members were there as well. We had to park several blocks from the school and walk in. I was carrying the baby in her car seat, Midge on my hip, and Tea and Chiggie walked hand and hand. Finally we reached the school. I was breathless and relieved. After all I am still way out of shape. We found the book fair, Chiggie, Tea, and Midge found the books they wanted and we got in line. A very long line. We waited while fanning ourselves with the new books.

After a lengthy wait we arrived at the cash register. I went for my purse and noticed it wasn't there. I panicked realizing I must have left it in the car. I wanted to cry. We left our place in line and trudged back to the car. I wasn't crying but I wasn't smiling either. When we got to the car I couldn't find my purse anywhere. I distinctly remembered putting it in the car. I figured I must have set it down in the book fair somewhere. Back to the school we walked. By this time my legs hurt and my arms were trembling from carrying the babies. Once back inside I searched for my purse. It was nowhere to be found. I was just about to collapse in a adult tantrum when Tea confessed to hiding my purse under the front seat of the car.

I literally questioned my ability to make it back out to the car only to walk back in and then back out again. But I did it. I made it back to the car got the purse, bought the books, got back to the car, and made it to the meeting on time. They better like those books!


Damitz Family said...

I think we've all had situations like this occasionally, and they really test you! There are days when they seem like they can break you. But nice job, you made it!

me said...

Oh you're a good woman I wouldn't have bought the offender a book after that...LOL But I'm a 'mean mom.' Glad you survived! ;)