Friday, November 02, 2007

A Day in the Life: Mid Morning

8:30: Get the little girls out of the tub. Get them dressed and fix their hair.

9:00: Take the baby upstairs and give her a bath.

9:15: Bring the baby back downstairs. Feed her and put her in the swing so that I can take a shower.

9:45: Take a shower, get dressed, and blow my hair dry.

10:00: Come back into the family room and see that Tea is now puking, again. Get her cleaned up and changed. Wonder what I should do. I promised Chiggie we would be at the "Fun Run" but I didn't know that Tea would be sick. Decide that we are still going, a promise is a promise.

10:20: Load the girls into the wagon and put the baby in the front pack. Walk to Chiggie's school.

10:40: The run begins. Cheer Chiggie on as she runs lap after lap.

11:00: The run ends and we all walk home.

11:15: Get home and make lunch. Tea is upset that she can't eat, so spend some time consoling her and giving her sips of water.

11:45: Clean up lunch mess and then feed the baby.


girlymom said...

Sounds like a hectic day, glad I'm not alone. I'm sneaking two minutes to myself before running out the door to pick up from preschool and run home before the bus! I have 4 girls under 6 yrs as well newest one is 7 weeks old and I found it interesting to see your day, sounds very familiar! We always end the week with a Friday night Movie night, the kids love it, we snuggle on the couch and eat popcorn. They like thinking they are staying up later and my husband and I enjoy sitting, even if it's just an hour and a half!! Have a good night, I'll be back to read more!

me said...

*HUGS* That's all I can say...oh that and *healthy wishes*