Thursday, November 29, 2007

Too Much

Why, oh why, does everything always have to happen in one day. It can't spread itself out thinly over a week to avoid exhaustion and major mental breakdown. It all started last night actually. Chiggie woke up complaining of lower abdominal pain. She said it burned when she tried to use the restroom and spent most of the night crying. In the morning she said she felt better and really wanted to go to school. I suspected she may have a UTI but let her go. As soon as I dropped her off and got home I called our pediatricians office and made her an appointment. The only available time slot was 45 minutes before she got out of school but I took it anyway. I took the middle girls to my Mom's house and picked her up early.

We got to the office and were in and out quickly. My gut was right, she was prescribed an antibiotic, and we headed to the store to pick it up. That took a bit and by the time I picked the other girls up at my Mom's and got home it was time to make lunch. As soon as lunch was over and cleaned up and I had fed the baby it was time to take Midge to her appointment with the Dermatologist. We had to wait forever to get in as our insurance company was late in getting the referral. We only requested it like 6 weeks ago. It was insane having all 4 of them there but we survived. She too was prescribed a new medication and a follow up appointment in 3 weeks. We left just in time to make our 3pm appointment which was an hour and a half long. We got home just in time for me to feed the baby and wave goodbye to the King as I left for a board meeting. Ugh, I am tired. The good news is I have nothing planned for tomorrow. That is unless someone decides to surprise me!


Christine said...

I agree! I think I've even said that before - why can't the drama spread itself out over a week instead of dumping all in one day? That's just rude! LOL! And medical drama is always even worse.

I hope Chiggie's UTI clears up really soon. What a brave girl! And good luck on Midge's new meds too.

I don't know how you do it with four little ones. I'm still trying to figure out how to feed my four and have time to feed myself! You're amazing!

me said...

*~*Healthy vibes*~* and hopes that this is the last you see of the Dr for a while. I bet you just FELL into bed that nite...LOL Speaking of, I shall do the same now! ;)