Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Expecting Snow

It's supposed to snow tonight and all day tomorrow. I need this to happen. I'm having trouble getting in the Holiday spirit with such high temps. The girls are excited and spent most of the evening peeking out the windows. If it does happen they'll have plenty of time to enjoy it as Chiggie is off until Monday. More snow is predicted for Friday as well.

We were hoping to be able to travel for Thanksgiving this year but it just didn't work out. The King has to work tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday. Major bummer. Hopefully next year we'll get to go see our extended family in our home town. I know the girls would love it, and I would enjoy the break. We are still going over to my Mom's house for a delicious traditional meal and that will be nice. Anyone have big plans?


me said...

Our Turkey Day plans involve a big ole turkey and all the fixin's here at home. Hubby is on call so we can't go anywhere. I opted to 'give up' T-Day rather than Christmas. Did you get snow too? Were the girlies excited? I'm hoping ours doesn't melt too fast so the kids can play in it a bit. I totally agree about how hard it is to get into the season when it's too warm outside. Here's to more snow! :)

Christine said...

I hope you're getting the snow you need :) We may get some as well, but who knows? I'm okay either way.

We're heading to my mom's for an overcrowded Thanksgiving, but I don't mind. As long as there's good food, I'm happy! Have a great holiday!