Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Midge is now throwing up with a vengeance. Yeah, I know, Happy Halloween. She was up most of the night very uncomfortable and so were we. Two down, two to go I suppose. On top of the kids slowly rotating through this awful bug I have Thyroiditis. I went to the doctor yesterday with a goiter in my neck and some thyroid nodules. I suspected that I perhaps had hypothyroidism as I am overweight and tired all the time. Turns out I am hyperthyroid. What are the odds. Am I the only person on the face of the earth who has an overactive thyroid and still manages to be overweight? If it can happen......

The diagnosis answers a lot though. Ever since I had Boo I really haven't felt well. I have had anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, you name it. I really didn't think too much of it for the longest time. I figured it was postpartum related and would eventually relieve itself. When my neck began to swell at the base and I felt a large lump I became a little bit more concerned. I made a doctors appointment and that's as far as we are right now. I should be hearing from the radiology department of our hospital soon about an ultrasound. So I wait. The kids puke and I wait.


me said...

I would kill for hyper, as I'm hypo and my arse size proves it. ;) Apparently you are the one in a million who's body didn't get the 'memo' on protocol of hyper vs hypo? So sorry you can't at least enjoy the benefits of increased metabolism! I thought you looked really great for someone who so recently had a kid!? AJ ruined my thyroid as well so I can feel your pain. Good luck with that goiter and nodules and keep us posted, ok? *HUGS & healthy wishes*

me said...


Christine said...

I'm sure the thyroiditis isn't fun, but I'm glad the lump isn't more serious than that. I hope you're able to treat it quickly and feel back to normal very soon.

I'm so sorry the girls are sick on Halloween! We did that last year and it was just not fun.