Thursday, October 11, 2007


This is my 300th post. Wow time really flies when you have nothing better to do than document your daily life online. Really though I am approaching my blogaversary. It seems like I just started blogging and a whole year has gone by. Too weird.

Things have been demanding around here. So much to do, so little time. I know you've heard it a million times. Doesn't make it any less true though. Soccer, Daisies, Youth Group, School, change diapers, referee toddlers, lather, rinse, repeat.

Speaking of refereeing toddlers, Midge has gotten fairly aggressive lately. I mean if you call biting, hitting, and pulling hair aggressive. For now, whenever she displays any of the afore mentioned behaviors, I put her on the uh-oh chair. Too bad she loves the uh-oh chair. I think she feels like a "big girl" sitting in it. What to do, what to do. Do they have a scared straight program for toddlers?


me said...

Some people call that program my house. LMBO I'm the straight and narrow parent among my friends with the strict bedtime, no caffeinated beverages, manners, etc...but I theory I'm raising my kids to be good people and I just choose my battles based upon that, others don't. Good luck with Midge, it's not an easy battle! *HUGS*

CONGRATS on the 300th post. I forgot to do anything for my one year (started the original blog on April 26, 2006) so maybe I'll do something for my 2nd? LOL
I'm glad you're enjoying your Daisy group thus far and feel as I do about letting them do as much as they feel ok doing.