Monday, October 15, 2007

Oh Yeah

Boo is now 12 weeks old. She can

  • smile
  • laugh
  • lay on her tummy and hold her head up at a 90 degree angle
  • reach for objects
  • follow an object with her eyes
  • sleep longer with extended wakeful periods in between

I wouldn't even venture to guess how much she weighs. A lot. I'm sure she could roll over if she spent more time on the floor. She prefers to be held, and I worry about her safety on the floor with a curious 20 month old and a wild 3 year old on the loose. Today I went through a bunch of newborn clothes and boxed them up to give to an expectant mother we go to church with. I was surprised at how difficult it was. So many memories go along with each tiny outfit. It's hard to believe I'll never see them on one of my kids again. Really I had no choice though. I am running out of room, and you can't keep everything.

In the next week or so I am going to be breaking out the exersaucer and some of the "older" baby toys. Boo is really starting to get bored just sitting in her bouncy seat. She still loves the swing and most days it is a life saver. I have also been using my sling and front pack more often and she is a huge fan of both. I can't believe in less than 2 weeks she will no longer be my newborn.


me said...

But she'll always be your BABY, momma! :) *HUGS* I can relate tho not to the power of four! Just seeing an outfit on two of my kids and giving them away was hard, I can't fathom seeing it four times! Good for you! Yay for Boo getting so big! I can't wait to meet her and the rest of the girlies!

Christine said...

Your baby is already growing up, how bittersweet! I had a horrible time just getting out baby clothes a couple weeks ago. It's hard to think that I'll have to part with some of them someday!

I'll probably end up doing the same as you. I think this baby will end up being in a sling a good portion of the time. With so many little kiddles, I just don't want to take the chance!

me said...

Hehe, Micki said 'kiddles!' I just had to come over and say GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROCKIES!!!! WOOOOHOOO! Now, onward to the world series, babe!