Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tough Times for Tea

It seems like the second Tea turned 4 years old she became more aware of the world around her. My once easy going Tea is now more nervous and uneasy. She freaks out when I am not in her line of sight. She has more difficulty falling asleep at night and has been waking with bad dreams. Perception is everything I know, but to my knowledge no specific "event" has triggered the behavioral change. Oddly Chiggie went through a very similar phase at right around the same age. I hope for her sake it's short lived. It bothers me to see her feeling scared or upset. I've reassured her that she's safe and all the normal things you do but still. One of the bummers of growing up.


Danielle said...

I think I'm still that way...I wonder why I never grew out of it! :)

me said...

I used to refer to four as "just another word for sassy" so while it was different for us, I can relate to the sudden change. I do hope it gets easier for Tea and for you!

Anonymous said...

Poor Tea. I hope this phase passes soon. It's tough seeing your little ones out of sorts.