Friday, July 11, 2008

This and That

I'm tired but having trouble sleeping. I think I would probably pass out if I let my head hit the pillow, but at this point I'm just enjoying the peace and quiet too much. The last couple of days have been difficult with unhappy, sick kids. We're through the worst of it and today was a bit better. The only one who hasn't been sick at all is Tea and I'm hoping she doesn't get it. If the weather is nice tomorrow we're supposed to go to the pool and I hope everyone is well enough. It was over 100 degrees out today and it's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. I enjoy the heat so this is a good thing.

Tea had gymnastics tonight and I am amazed at some of the things she is doing. She can do a really good back bend and even a back walkover with a spotter. She's very flexible and a good listener. She's so sweet and the instructors really get a kick out of her. Chiggie is doing gymnastics as well but had to sit out tonight. I didn't think it was a good idea to strain her body like that after being so sick the day before. She was of course disappointed but there's always next week.

Midge cracked me up with her speech again the other night. I heard her crying in her room and went up to check on her. When I got up there she said "can you turn on my fan? It's really hot in here okay?" I just had to laugh. This is the same little girl who won't tell me if she wants milk or juice. She's a character. I can't believe how big they're all getting. A few more weeks and Boo will exit babyhood and make her grand entrance into toddler hood. That's a whole 'nother post though....


Danielle said...

I can't believe you ENJOY 100 degree temperatures!

Family_Dauk said...

I know. I think I truly belong in California or Arizona (I hate the humidity of the south) but I really enjoy all 4 seasons.

Christine said...

Goodness, keep the baby-to-toddlerhood hush/hush, will ya? It's coming too soon for us too!

I hope you can get some rest!

me said...

Hope that sleeping thing improves and you're enjoying the heat! *healthy thoughts*