Sunday, July 06, 2008

Fevers and Alternators

Ugh, Boo is sick again. I think I forgot to mention that when we went to see the King last week she got heat exhaustion. She ran a fever, tried to hyperventilate, and vomited as well. We kept her well hydrated and cool and she recovered very quickly. Well last night she exhibited many of the same symptoms again. We were inside all day yesterday, but were out the day before. I don't know if it was heat related, teething, or none of the above. She's been fussy today, but her fever is controlled with ibuprofen. Poor little girl.

In more bad news the alternator went out in the King's "new to him" car. The good news is he only paid $200 for the car. The bad news is a new alternator, when everything was said and done, cost almost as much as the car. It's the whole one step forward two steps back scenario and I hate that. I'm not gonna let it get me down though. Other than all that junk, we had a great weekend. The older girls loved going to the drive-in and the little girls had a great time hangin' with just Mom and Dad. I got Boo's room finished and it looks great. Now if she could just get well enough to sleep in there......


Christine said...

Saying prayers for you, Sweet Boo!

Danielle said...

I hate cars! There is always something wrong!