Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What have I done?

Just to let everyone know Tea is feeling much better. She didn't end up having to go back to the doctor and whatever it is that she came down with seems to be over. On the other hand this crib to a bed thing is killing me. The first night went awesome. They both stayed upstairs, fell asleep at a decent time and I enjoyed my good fortune. Every night since then has gotten progressively worse.

Allow me to clarify. This has nothing to do with them sharing a room. They don't fight and they are sweet to each other. Tea is just exploring the ability to get in and out of bed. To the point of absolute exhaustion. Chiggie just falls asleep amidst it all. I went up a few minutes ago to check on them and Tea was wearing a turtle neck and a wool skirt. Obviously not the pajamas I put her in. "My cold....brrrrrr," she said. Unfortunately nap time is going equally as rotten and she fell asleep this afternoon around 4:30 and slept for a couple of hours so any hope of tonight going well is pretty much shot.

Last night she woke around 2 am crying and saying "my had a good dream." I am assuming she had a bad dream, but she would not stop the crying. I finally brought her down to our bed where she asked to color, for bubble gum, and to play outside. All requests were promptly denied and shortly we were all back in dream land. Please let this phase be short.