Sunday, March 04, 2007

Everyday Life

If someone was to ask me what I thought the most difficult aspect of parenting is I would have to say the redundancy. In order to maintain some organization and sanity every day consists of mostly the same thing. It's just like school or a job outside of the home. If you slack off for a day or two, or maybe even take an unplanned day off due to illness or just lack of interest you pay a heavy price. Things can build up and get so out of control so fast.

At the end of most days I feel a sense of accomplishment. The kids are all in one piece, the dishes are done, the house is presentable, and sometimes there is even time to relax. The hard thing is it all starts over the next day. New dishes to wash, fresh crumbs on the carpet, a sick kid or two, and errands to run. Sometimes staying focused can be hard. I know the rewards are great and the satisfaction of having happy and healthy kids makes it all worthwhile, but sometimes an exotic vacation sounds pretty nice!