Saturday, March 03, 2007

Still Sick

Tea's fever has been coming and going on and off for over a week now. It's never gotten any higher than the 104.5 that I posted about last weekend. On Thursday she was completely fever free, looked a little tired, but we figured she was finally on the mend. She woke up well on Friday and was fine all morning. When she woke up from her nap around 3 it was back up again. She felt very warm against my skin. I gave her some Motrin and she livened up a little. She wasn't much interested in her dinner but she was drinking so we didn't push it.

Later that night I noticed that areas of her skin were starting to blister. Not little tiny chicken pox type blisters, but big blisters. I was mortified and called the Doc on call. She said to bring her in this morning to be evaluated. I took her in around 10:30 and we waited forever to be seen. Apparently everyone in town is dealing with a sick child or two. Finally we saw the Doctor and unfortunately she was as baffled as we are. Tea was given an antibiotic ointment for the open blisters just to prevent them from becoming infected. She wasn't running a fever at the time as I had given her more Motrin when she woke up. We were advised to keep an eye on the blisters, her fever, and if she got worse have the Doctor paged. If she stays the same she will be seen again on Monday, and if she gets better hallelujah!

She seemed in good spirits when we left the office so we went ahead and filled the prescription and grabbed some lunch. Not too long afterwards her fever rose again to 102 axillary and she was in need of more Motrin. This afternoon she is extremely irritable and obviously not feeling well at all. The rash or blisters haven't progressed at all and look a little better actually. It's just so frustrating to see her not feeling well and not really knowing what's wrong. Her throat, ears, and lungs are all clear so it's really baffling. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully she will be feeling better.