Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Meme

I was tagged by Jerri over at A Crack 'n Life for my first ever meme last week. It took me some time, but better late than never right? These are the rules: Put up a post "Real Moms [insert what you do here]", followed by an explanation, a picture, and a "Real Moms. Making ....".

I really had to think about this one. I read some of the others and they were great, which put the pressure on. I thought about everything I do as a mother and what I think makes a "real mom." I finally decided that real Moms love real kids. Let's face it nobody is perfect, Moms, or their kids.

Real Moms love their kids for who they are. They may not love it when their two year old throws herself down on the floor for the millionth time that day because she was told no. Or when their 5 year old somehow managed to get out every toy she owns and strew them all across the bedroom floor way past bedtime. They don't love being up at 2 am rocking the baby who clearly thinks its daytime and is wriggling to get down and play. Real Moms have really bad moments or even days but they love their kids and they trudge on.

A real Mom knows that the same 2 year old that was throwing a fit that morning will later that night crawl into bed and snuggle right into her, allowing her to breathe in the scent of lavender from her hair. The 5 five year old will scrawl "i luv you mom" in crayon with her best penmanship, and the baby will say mama and smile that toothy grin that would melt any heart.

Real Moms envision who their children have the potential to be and are honored to have the opportunity to nurture their individual personalities.