Sunday, March 04, 2007


Poor Tea. Everytime I think she has kicked this nasty bug it sneaks right back up on her. She had a pretty good day up until dinner time when she wouldn't even come to the table. She hadn't eaten much all day so I was disappointed. She continues to drink fluids so I know she is not dehydrated and she hadn't lost any weight at her appointment on Saturday so I try not to worry much about this.

Last night went better than I had even expected. Both girls did fantastic and I am so proud of them. Tea woke at around 5:30 am and came and got into our bed. She felt very warm to the touch so I gave her some medicine and a glass of water. Luckily she fell back asleep until 9 and we all got to sleep in a little. The rest of the day she was pretty active in comparison to the last few days. She laughed and played, really seeming like her old self. Then it snuck back up. She felt warm to the touch again after the rest of us had dinner and sure enough she had a fever.

I gave her a nice bath and we cuddled before bed. Hopefully she will get a good nights rest. Most likely we will be returning to the Ped tomorrow to get this thing figured out.