Saturday, March 03, 2007

Moving In

Along with administering antibiotics and fever reducers we also spent the day combining Chiggie and Tea's rooms into one. We have talked about it for a long time and decided that if the new baby was a girl than that is what we will do. With the eventual plan being to have two girls in each room leaving one room open as a playroom with a bathroom.

Thanks to my Mom's generous neighbor we also put together a new canopy for Chiggie's bed so that both girls would have one. I am pleased with the results. All that is missing is some new curtains and then the room will be complete. This will be Tea's first night in a bed so wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

Lookin good, I like it. Can't wait to come visit after the new arrival so I can see all the new changes. And the little ones of course :-)