Friday, March 30, 2007

Playing Catch Up

I have sat down on several different occasions to upload photos and put up an entry with a bit more thought, but each and every time something else came up and I had to run off.

We have been busy with nothing lately. Early in the week we doggy-sat my Mom's Bichon, which the girls absolutely loved. It was a nice refresher as to why we don't have one though. Sugar was wonderfully behaved, but it took a lot of energy to make sure all of her needs were met.

Last week the weather was a dream. I packed away most of the girls winter attire and loaded up their drawers with spring and summer clothes. It was a nice change to seem them in capri pants and short sleeve shirts. They rarely even needed a jacket. We enjoyed this for all of about 1 week when mother nature decided she wasn't finished with us and it snowed again. I had to dig through boxes just to find a few outfits for them. It looks like we have another week before we will even see temps above the 60's.

Today was a county resident appreciation day and several local museums were free for locals. I took the girls to the Dinosaur Museum and they had a great time. They dug for bones, colored, and looked at exhibits. As we left I let them each pick a dinosaur key chain. We stopped off at the library on the way home and checked out some Easter books to read this week. A good day I must say.

I have so many more things to post about but such limited time. We'll see what this weekend has in store for us!