Friday, March 23, 2007

What did you Say?

Last night we were finishing up dinner when Tea disappeared for a bit. She re-entered the room holding her hand up in the air covered in the unthinkable. Horrified I questioned her,

Me: Tea, is that poop on your hand?

Tea: Well, it's not chocolate!

I have to say I laughed. As mortifying as the moment was, that was funny.


Jerri Ann said...

That is hilarious, absolutely hilarious. I came here to say, "I know the feeling". I remember those times I had to have u/s to find the heartbeat. I honestly think I would hold my breath between them giving up on the doppler and getting the u/s machine ready......It is scary and you have ever reason to be a little whooped by it all. Try to relax now and know you might just have a calm little one in that pouch that is gonna be sooooo good for you. Sleep alot, calm, cool and collected. I hope so anyway.