Monday, December 04, 2006

Week of Mishaps

Last week seemed to be littered with mishaps. I learned a lot of lessons though and they say that if you write things down you are less likely to forget and repeat your mistake. Well then, here goes:

  • One piece of gum at a time is almost always sufficient. Don't give in to the pleading or participate in the effort to create the biggest gum ball ever. It will end up in her hair!
  • Do not give your toddler a mild laxative and then put her in underwear.
  • Do not tell you're 9 month old, fresh out of the bath tub, to wait right here while you run grab a clean diaper. She will wait for you but not the diaper.
  • If you hear the toilet flush for the 10th time in a 30 second period GO CHECK! Do not wait until you hear rushing water.
  • Do not teach your 2 year old to lick her finger and then touch her hip making a sizzling sound. She will wait until you are in public, finding the grouchiest looking couple and then perform.
  • If you are stoking your fire and you know you saw a large spark fly out FIND IT. Do not wait until you see smoke coming from your coffee table.
  • Flip flops are never okay when you have a foot of snow on the ground.
  • If you try to wash a load of laundry and take a hot shower at the same time, you will get burned.
  • Never set a full can of soda on the table next to a load of freshly folded laundry. You will have to wash that load again, after you shower.
  • Do not let your toddler ride in the back of a grocery cart when you are shopping like a mad woman. Something to do with gravity and equilibrium, they can be randomly ejected from the cart.

Just to name a few! Also a quick update on the health of our t.v. I don't think it will be with us much longer. It has to be left on 24/7. If turned off the resuscitation process is time consuming and anxiety inducing. Tea has figured this out and often motions toward the off button as if she is going to push it just to watch everyone freak out.


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