Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Looking Up

Let me tell you, it feels good to be back. In a way the computer crashing and all worked out because it gave me a reason to take a break from my obsessive blogging during a really tough time. So much happened in such a short amount of time. Allow me to recap:

  • I was diagnosed in the ER on Sunday night with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Trust me it is as nasty as it sounds. Basically my head and our toilet bowl have become very intimate in the past week or so. So much so that I had no choice but to be put on IV Phenergan and fluids just to get it under control. I am now taking the Phernergan in tablet form and for the moment things are under control.
  • All of our shopping is complete. I was surprised that we were able to get everything we had planned on and I am sure that we will have three very happy princesses on Christmas.
  • We sold the gas stove. To a real person. Who paid us in cash. It was a little awkward when the King embraced the old man in a big bear hug while choked up with tears but hey we all have our moments.
  • Midge is standing all by herself. She can now easily maneuver from a squat to a stand and back to a squat again.
  • Chiggie and Tea are ready for Christmas. Each night they eat their advent calendar candy then join hands and do a little happy dance throughout the family room. They are counting down the days and have tried to persuade us in every way to have Christmas "early" this year.

I am sure there are a million things that I am either forgetting or intentionally leaving out as not to agitate my post traumatic stress syndrome. I will post more Christmas pictures starting tomorrow but for today I'd like to ease the computer back in slowly.


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? "Hyperemesis Gravidarum"? Dan & I were just joking this morning about how doctors use Latin to basically just describe what's happening... it sounds so profound, and implies depth of understanding. When actually it just means "A lot of vomiting" in this case. Yeah, doc thanks for figuring it out! Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better.

Love, G'mama