Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back to Normal

Ahhhh! It feels so good to have things somewhat back to normal. Yes I know it's only the day after Christmas but we move fast over here. If you know me then you are already aware of the fact that I have some quirky ways about me. I can' t help it there are just some things that I just cannot do. One of them, strange as it may sound, is rearranging the furniture. I don't do it. Ever. I have no problem with rearranged furniture in my family and friends houses, just not my own. The King learned this early on in our marriage when I came home to our apartment from school one day to find......oh the horror.......the furniture moved!

Him: What do you think? It makes the room feel so much bigger right?

Me: Ummm yeah I guess. (really forced fake smile)

Him: What's wrong why is your neck twitching like that?

Dead silence.

Him: Are you crying?

We moved it back the way it was and all was well. Luckily he understood that it had nothing to do with him just the fact that I cannot tolerate change and seem to have some minor issues with control. Anyhow this story is relevant to the present. We had to , brace yourself, move the furniture to put up our Christmas tree this year. Although there were several times I envisioned myself throwing it out on the back deck I restrained myself. Until today. Out the door that baby went and the couch was moved comfortably back into place. Weird, I know, but I am so happy!