Saturday, February 02, 2008

Too Busy

We can't seem to find a happy medium around here. It's either feast or famine all of the time. Things are too busy right now. We have way too much going on, and not near enough time to enjoy it all. It really shows when I look around the house. I'm behind on everything. At night when I finally get a chance to get caught up I just don't have the energy. Nap times have been rearranged and even skipped alogether a few times this week. It throws everything out of whack and I find myself very frustrated.

There's really not a lot I can do about it right now. We have another busy week up ahead and none of it can be cancelled. This is a learning experience. In the future I am not going to overload myself so much. If I don't have the time, energy, or desire to participate in an activity I'm just going to say NO. The girls can't be involved in everything. We are going to have to prioritize. For the sake of my sanity!


me said...

Amen to that and good luck saying no, it's harder than it looks! ;) *HUGS* I hope you make it thru next week in one piece!!