Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Throw Us a Bone

We didn't sleep good last night, and the baby didn't get better. She got worse. Finally at 3 this afternoon I took her temperature and sure enough it was 101. Pretty high for such a tiny girl. I called the Doc back and they got her in right away. We spent most of the evening at the hospital where she had chest x-rays and blood work done. On the bright side the chest x-rays were clear. Unfortunately we don't really know what's going on. After the hospital we headed back to the Doc's Office where she was given an antibiotic shot.

I'm a wreck. Midge isn't feeling well either and it's ripping me apart. I wish I could clone myself and hold and rock both of them separately but obviously I can't. I feel like I am always letting someone down. The Babe needs me. So does Midge, she too is just a baby after all. I know I'll be okay and I'll feel better, especially after some sleep. But right now things just feel rough.

The Babe goes back to the Doctor tomorrow afternoon and at that point some decisions will be made. They are hoping for major progress after the shot. Me too. Poor thing finally fell asleep and has been sleeping for 2 hours now. Amazingly she weighed 10 #'s so that's good.

On a much brighter side, Chiggie is having a great week. She loves PE and computers. She is catching on to her sight words very easily and I love watching her learn. We miss her so much while she's gone in the morning but I love knowing that she is playing, learning, and having so much fun.

Please say some prayers that tomorrow is a sunnier day!


me said...

*HUGS* n prayers!! Keep us posted and sleep when you can, ok? I know how hard it is to see your kids sick and suffering so I will pray all of you are healthier tomorrow.