Saturday, August 04, 2007

How I Got My Groove Back

I am really starting to feel "normal" again. I know it's early, but I cannot stand to be cooped up. Beginning yesterday, I started migrating back into society. It was cooler than normal and we spent a few hours in the afternoon at the pool. My Mom and I made a shade tent for the baby and the girls enjoyed splashing and burning off some energy. The sun felt good and I was really happy to just get out a bit.

Today we had a nice visit from the King's Mom, Step-Dad, Grandma, Sister, and future Brother in -law. We had lunch, visited, and the girls ran them ragged. I enjoyed showing the baby off and she even stayed awake for a bit. Tomorrow we will go back to Church and I am excited about that as well. Ahhhh, to be back among the living!


me said...

Yeah for the rekindling of the groove! Let us know how church went for you! What church do you attend, may I ask?