Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Raving and Ranting

Rant: Last night at the last minute I checked my voice mail and realized Tea had a dentist appointment at 9 am this morning. It was too late to cancel and too late to make arrangements for the other girls.

Rave: We made it to the appointment on time and all 4 of the girls were AWESOME! Tea had no cavities, she let them clean her teeth, and the x-rays looked good.

Rant: Tea was still wide awake at midnight last night. We can't seem to win for losing. If she takes a nap then she is recharged and awake half the night and if she doesn't she is whiny and miserable until she finally falls alseep.

Rave: The baby sleeps great. I got up twice as much with Tea last night than I did the baby!

Rant: Our grass still looks like its dying.

Rave: The last couple of days we have been getting decent afternoon rainshowers and I am hoping that this helps on top of the fertilizer and regular watering.

Rant: The girls are becoming obviously restless with our summer routine. They are definitely starting to get ready for fall and a more structured day.

Rave: School starts soon and along with it a whole bunch of new activities that ought to keep them entertained for at least a while.


me said...

I should do a post like this and just get it all out of my head and onto my blog. T actually asked when Fall was going to get here and mentioned missing SNOW, so I'm pretty sure she's ready for something besides summer too. Sorry about Tea, hope tonite is better!!!