Monday, August 13, 2007

3 Weeks, and How am I Doing?

It really has been 3 weeks. It's unbelievable how slowly the last few weeks of pregnancy eek by and then how quickly the first few weeks postpartum fly. The Babe is wonderful. She eats good, sleeps a lot, and smiles frequently. She still seems so tiny and I love to swaddle her and rock her to sleep.

I get a lot of inquiries as to how I am doing throughout this whole process. It's odd because while my first reaction is good.... no great, I don't really know. I honestly have not had what I would call a "real" thought in weeks. My days are a blur consisting of diaper changes, night wakings, meal preparation, entertainment, and bathtime rituals. All to wake up the next day and repeat process. Kind of a Groundhog Day type of scenario.

The good news is that I am very aware of how short this phase will be in my life. I take time each day to hug each one of my babies and tell them just how much they mean to me. They are growing so fast and I know that one day I will look back at this time and laugh. I'll remember that my hands were full, but not nearly as full as my heart.


me said...

*HUGS* I don't envy you this time, it was the hardest part of having kids, the first few weeks after! I'll throw up a prayer for you that you get enough sleep and continue to be able to enjoy the little things!