Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Mail Lady and other Weekend Ramblings

For the last three years we have had problems with our mail delivery. In our neighborhood most of the parking is done street side. A few houses have driveways and or garages, but most people just park right out front. If our car is within 2 feet of the mail box, our mail carrier will not deliver our mail or take any outgoing. Our neighbors don't have a mailbox at all and there mail is taken up to their porch. Yet she can't reach into our box. Finally this weekend as we watched her drive right by for the 3rd day in a row, the King had had enough. He chased her up the road and they had it out pretty good. She was very rude and basically just made excuses. He ended up having to go down to the local post office to complain. The maintenance team is coming by tomorrow to see about moving our box. We might just take it down altogether and she can bring ours up to the porch.

In other weekend news, we had a nice visit with my Dad and Step-Mom this weekend. It was nice for them to see the baby and the girls had a blast with the visit. Unfortunately the Babe appears to be catching this dreaded cold. Poor thing is sneezing and has a tiny baby cough. I will be calling the Pediatrician in the morning just to be safe. I'm worried about her as she is still so tiny. The other girls are still coughing but hopefully this will be in the past very soon.

Tomorrow Chiggie begins her first full week of school. I'm tired just thinking about all I have going on this week.......


me said...

GO DADDY!! That is wild that a mail person would have such a strange criteria for delivery. I can see an aggressive dog, unshoveled sidewalk, spider laden mailbox, but location?? Weird. Have they come by to move your box yet? I vote you make her take it up to your door just to prove your point.