Monday, August 06, 2007

2 Weeks

Just as always time is flying. Today I took the baby in for her two week well child check. I was relieved and impressed with her stats:

7#'s 10 ozs
20 1/2 "

She has really grown a lot just in the last couple of weeks. Her umbilical cord stump fell off this morning so tomorrow she can take her first fully immersed bath!

On another note it is also two weeks until school starts. We have to go to new student registration on Thursday and turn in Chiggie's immunization records. We still have to buy her supplies, but she already got her backpack last week. I know her starting Kindergarten will be a difficult transition for me, but I am so excited for her. It has become very apparent lately that she is ready. She is no longer content to just "hang out" all the time like the babies are. She loves to draw and write and has an obvious hunger for more knowledge. I'll miss her so much just in the few hours she will be gone, but I know she'll be having a blast.


me said...

We sooo need to live closer, chica. LOL T is starting kindergarten the Monday after next! EEEKK!! I have yet to buy her supplies but that is on my 'to-do list' for this week..or next. ;) I'm glad it's not just mine that is bored out of her skull with the hanging out, I thought I was just ~that~ boring. Here's to a great year of kindergarten for both girlies! :)