Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pure Sweetness

***UGGHHH....I wanted to post this last night but I thought the Internet was down. Really one of my kids just unplugged me!***

Conversations heard over the last week or so:

Chiggie, while picking up the baby: Oh come here sugar. Did Momma just leave you here to cry? You don't have to cry. I'm your big Sissy and I will take care of you.

Of course I had just set her down for a second so that I could clear the lunch dishes, sheesh.

Chiggie handing Tea a sequin she found on the floor: Tea I want you to have this so that when you grow up you will always remember that we are sisters.


Sometimes though their conversations take a turn. Last week for example my little sister (5) came to spend the night. She and Chiggie were arguing over something and didn't realize I was in the next room.

Chiggie: We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Give me back my doll or Scruffy gets it!

Ummmm am I raising a Mobster? Scruffy is my little sisters snuggle buddy and I hate to even imagine what would have happened to him had I not intervened.


me said...

You have a sister your daughters age? No, wait, I read that quirky fact in your 100 things about me link...wild!!! Do the girlies get along well except when dolls and scruffy is involved? ;) I'm glad you were there to stop the senseless violence b/c I would hate to see an innocent lovie harmed by such a good big sister. LOL