Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Baby Update

This morning I received a call from the Pediatrician saying that the baby's bloodwork came back from the lab and it did show bacteria. The results are still not back from the bacteria culture. She had an appointment this afternoon and has made a lot of improvement since she got the Rocephin shot yesterday. Based on her improvement she was given another shot of Rocephin and we are hoping she will just continue to improve. Thankfully there is no more fever and her breathing sounds good. I will be so happy just to put this behind us. Poor little thing.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear the baby is feeling better. It so hard when they are so tiny and they're sick. I'm glad Laquin is liking school. It just doesn't seem possible that she is in school already. I love you all! Grandma Dixie

me said...

YAY! Prayer works, hmm? ;) Keep up the good work, baby, and here's to a great finish to the week!