Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a Week

This week has been crazy. Not normal crazy, but above and beyond crazy. We've had two kids throwing up, dentist appointments and procedures, snow, sleepless nights, and much, much more. Most importantly we've persevered. It gets old really fast though. I though spring would bring with it nice weather and a prompt end to all of this sickness. So far, not the case.

On the bright side my root canal went great. The only pain I felt at all was the shot to give the numbing medication. From there on out it was just staring at the popcorn ceiling listening to a mixed tape from the 90's. Oddly very relaxing.

This weekend is also promising. We're going out to dinner on Friday for the King's birthday (on the 5th) and then we'll be busy on Saturday with Blossom Festival activities. Thank goodness because I am about to go stir crazy. I promise to take lots of pictures and share very soon.