Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dentist Appointment and More Cuteness

I had a dentist appointment today. I've needed to go pretty much forever, but always had a reason not to. Money, pregnancy, time, etc. It's amazing what a motivator pain can be though. Once I started having that I went ahead and made the appointment. It feels good to have my teeth really clean. I go back in a week for my 1st root canal. Yeah, I need a couple. Oddly I am excited. It will be nice to actually chew with both sides of my jaw again.

This sweet baby is getting huge! It could be the marathon nursing sessions he's been having. He will literally eat for a couple of hours right before bed. It does help him to sleep longer, but it absolutely wears me out too. He has also decided that anywhere other than Mommy's arms is completely unacceptable. I can't say I mind!


me said...

I see now what you meant about having uncanny parallels in our lives. I hope your root canal went ok and that your future ones go smoothly too. I had one about 10 years ago and it was one of the most fabulous thing EVER!!!! LOL I am still fighting the bridge, the bill, the whole darn thing.