Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Time

I think it is finally safe to say that spring has officially sprung. The roar of lawn mowers, floating pollen, and squirrels are all proof. We're enjoying it. With me being pregnant this winter felt especially long. It's nice to be outside again. I love that these two are now old enough to ride their bikes more independantly. As long as they stay together I feel comfortable with them exploring a bit. They don't cross any streets so theyr'e safe.
Tea humored me with a pose right after a pretty brutal crash. She is persistant and I love that about her.

Boo is just all around good natured. She enjoys just about everything we do. She's learning to ride Midge's old trike.

Sometimes Midge gets frustrated that she can't do the things the older girls can. She is close in age to Tea, but she's still only 4. She has become a pro at riding the scooter.

Boo's eye is looking a little better. Hopefully she won't get anymore injuries for a while.

This squirrel was bringing peanuts up onto our roof today. The girls thought it was hilarious when he walked across the skylight.

Taking a quick snack break. Rice cripy treats are a favorite around here.

I've been putting the baby in his crib for a few minutes each night while we get the girls tucked into bed.

He doesn't like to be in there very long at all. He knows when he's alone and he doesn't like it at all.
I even tossed him a little reading material, but he just wasn't having it.


me said...

LOL "reading material" What a picky boy, not wanting to read while his sisters get some love. ;) We have that same bible and Jax really enjoys having it read to him!
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the spring weather down there. We were until this week o rain up here...soon enough we'll be warm again though, I know.
Our dog would go NUTS if we had a squirrel on the house and visible. What does yours think of it?