Thursday, April 08, 2010

Cabin Fever

Isolation is becoming a running theme in my life. It's not like there really is much of a choice when you have a newborn baby. It's different though when you have 4 older kids and a husband that works 7 days a week. The walls are closing in. Combine that with the fact that it has been a long winter and it's a sure fire recipe for cabin fever. The problem is there really aren't a lot of things to do in this little town. Especially kid friendly things. I'm not even really comfortable taking the baby out much at this point, but a little fresh air might do us good. Well, now that I think about it we both have allergies and the "fresh" air might actually drive us crazy, but you know what I mean. Next week my friend from Florida is coming to visit and meet the baby. I'm so excited. It will be nice to have someone to talk to for a few days.


me said...

Enjoy your visitor, it sounds perfectly timed! :)