Friday, April 23, 2010


Today was just a good day. I didn't get much accomplished as far as housework goes, but we did have fun. I took the kids to see the movie How to Train Your Dragon. It was cute and they really liked it. I was amazed at how easy it was to have all 5 kids at the theater. The hardest part was finding a place where we could all sit together. The baby slept the whole time. As long as he is being held he's happy so that part was really easy.

After we got home I ordered pizza for dinner and we had a relaxing evening. Afterwards I took the baby with me and went grocery shopping. I used to hate to grocery shop but now I just enjoy getting out of the house for a little while. I also like seeing all of the spring/summer stuff out.

Tonight the King and I watched the movie The 4th Kind, and holy cow it was freaky. I don't really have much of an opinion on those things, but it was scary. I hate watching stuff like that right before bed. I hope I sleep tonight.