Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update on the Update and the Tooth Fairy

I went this morning and got my wallet back. It was funny because my old drivers license was inside but they still made me show them my new one. Meaning that even if I would've held out and not gotten a new one I would have needed to go get a new one just to claim the old one. Whatever..

In other news the Tooth Fairy will be making a visit at our house tonight. I'm not sure how much she'll leave but I hope it's good. Maybe even enough to cover the huge dental bill I'm going to have. Yeah that's right, I'm the one that lost the tooth. Only 9 more months and my insurance will be nice enough to cover a portion of the bill. Isn't that sweet of them? Oh well Chiggie made me feel a lot better when she said, "does this mean you're turning into an old lady?" Why yes, I think it might!


me said...

What? How did you lose a tooth?
What happened to the rude officer who was bringing the wallet TO you?

Christine said...

How on earth did you lose a tooth? That's so weird! I have weird dreams about that kind of stuff. Good luck getting all the worked out!