Monday, April 06, 2009

Guess Who?

Guess who has an earache tonight? I'll give you a hint, it's not her first. In fact this particular child has been on 3 different antibiotics in the last 7 weeks. If you guessed Tea give yourself a pat on the back you've obviously been paying attention.

She casually mentioned that her right ear was bothering her late this afternoon. She didn't seem to be in a lot of pain so I crossed my fingers it was just a little plugged or something minor. Tonight she is officially complaining. I put the standard two drops in and gave her some pain medication so hopefully she'll get some rest. First thing tomorrow I'll call the doc and see about getting her in. I'm hoping this is just a string of bad luck and not a sign of a more serious ear/s problem. *Sigh*


J-Bug said...

How is Tea today? Hope all is well. Give everyone our Love!!!