Monday, November 10, 2008

On Second Thought...

I called the Dr. and Boo has an appointment this afternoon. Her cough isn't getting any better, she's exhausted, and I can't base my decision on insurance issues. I'm hoping whatever's going on we caught it early and treatment will be quick and simple.

Today is one of those days where nothing goes according to plan. Just a bit ago I received a very disturbing phone call from Chiggie at school. She was crying and calling me from the kitchen. I wasn't able to get much out of her other than she has a fear that I will be late to pick her up. This is an odd fear as I have NEVER been late. Even in Kinder I was always on time. I reassured her, made sure she was feeling physically well, and we hung up. I immediately called her teacher who was completely unaware of the call. She promised to look into it and get back to me. What a weird day.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the girls have been sick. I hope they are feeling better by now.

I'm glad Chiggie and Tea did get the chance to get to the movie on Sunday. I've heard it's a good one. It will be in town here in the next few days and we're hoping to take Ayden.

I hope everything is O.K. with Chiggie! Poor thing. Hopefully, Boo's doc appt. went o.k.