Sunday, November 09, 2008

On the Mend

The girls are all feeling much better. Boo is still coughing and hasn't gotten all of her energy back, but she's definitely through the worst of it. We were able to go to church this morning and even though I felt rushed I was really glad we went. This afternoon the older girls are going with my Mom to see Madagascar II. I'm jealous because it looks hilarious. Of course the little girls won't sit still so we'll just have to watch it when it comes to dvd.

Tomorrow we are expecting snow. I'm actually really excited about the prospect. There isn't supposed to be much of an accumulation but we'll see. I bought all of Chiggie's snow gear some time ago and she's been anxiously waiting to try it out. I can't believe Thanks Giving is coming so soon. We have a really fun surprise weekend planned for the girls and I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. Hope everyone had a good weekend!