Thursday, April 12, 2007

Settling In

Despite the fact that it is currently snowing and we are expecting over a foot by tomorrow night, I feel my spirits rising. I am coming out of my little slump and my energy level is not nearly as low as it has been over the last week or so. With this pregnancy I have experienced so many highs and lows. I am sure it has to do with the fact that I am so much busier than I was in the past and the time of year and what not. One of the things that has helped me tremendously is trying to maintain a better routine.

It is no secret that I hate mornings. Nothing has ever seemed to help this fact. I don't like to shower right away, never eat first thing, and I have trouble rising before the kids do. I have good intentions but I usually end up sleeping until I hear Midge babbling in her crib and then I know I have to go start breakfast and prepare for the day. This will all change next year as Chiggie will start school, but until then I will probably milk the sleeping in.

I also have difficulty going to sleep at night. No matter how tired I am, I enjoy the peace and quiet. Bed time for all 3 girls is 8:30 and from 9 on things are pretty calm. I can watch whatever I want on t.v., have an adult conversation with the King, or work on a project that I need full concentration for. I often find myself still awake way past midnight. If I could discipline myself in the evenings I am sure it would make my mornings much easier.

Slowly but surely we are finding a new routine. I am at a comfortable point in the pregnancy and the days are becoming more predictable. It's funny though, I am sure right when I feel settled in the new baby will come, Chiggie will start school, and I'll find myself starting all over again.


Jerri Ann said...

That's the nature of the beast, just as you get comfy, bam, another wave of change comes and knocks you down...good luck and enjoy your pg (if you can)!