Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ups and Downs

Two smooth mornings in a row it almost seems too good to be true. After not getting much sleep last night, I was pleased with myself that I stayed motivated and stuck with the play. The older girls got off to school and the little kids and I got ready and went to the library. They loved the story and craft time and liked picking out their own books.

Afterwards we went to the school and had lunch with the girls. It was pizza day so everybody was happy. Once we got home the girls wanted to read their books so we read a few. Boo was on my lap and I thought she felt warm. A few minutes later she said her throat hurt. I looked with a flashlight and it doesn't look great. Now I'm debating taking her in for a culture this afternoon. Poor girl. I really hope she does not have strep. Oh well, we did have a good morning so I can't complain too much.


me said...

How is Boo? Was it strep?