Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Up late

Buster has added a new nap to his schedule that must go and it must go soon. He now sleeps from around 7:30-9pm and then wakes up good to go until about 11:30. Wah! I do not like this one tiny bit. I have to be up at 6:45 to get the older girls ready for school, so this simply does not work. It started with him being sick, but has now formed into some type of a routine. My game plan for tomorrow is to wake him early. Let him have his morning nap, but try to delay the afternoon nap a bit. Then I will give it my all to keep him up until 8, when it will be bedtime for real. Then if he wakes up, I will comfort him, but no getting out of the crib free card will be issued. Wish me luck!


me said...

I am NOT down with that habit. I'm a niteowl and am pretty territorial about "my time." Good luck, be strong and keep us posted!