Saturday, January 08, 2011

Fun Day

After the week we had, I woke up this morning and groggily declared it to be a very fun day. Chiggie is my new gym buddy so we headed off first thing. Well if you consider 10am to be first thing, and on Saturday I sure do. Oh, to be 9 years old again and run for 20 minutes and beg your Mom to just let you run longer.

Eventually we had to leave, my poor legs can only take so much. We headed straight home to shower and get ready for the day. I then surprised the older girls by allowing them to call and invite a friend to the movies with us. All of the girls, two of their friends, and me went and saw Secretariat at the $2 movie. I LOVED it. It was very inspiring.

After the movie we headed to my Mom's house to see my sisters science fair project. She's going to do very well, it's a great project. Then we had a great dinner.

These two even helped me unload the dishwasher this evening. Too bad I was trying to load it!


me said...

How on earth do you get things done when they aren't around to help! ? I will be sure to add Secretariat to out list of movies to see, thanx!