Monday, March 29, 2010


It seems like there's just so much going on right now. I really think there's more going on in my head than in my life, but that's probably always true. Anyway, Chiggie goes back to school tomorrow and even though I'm not thrilled with the idea of getting up early again, I'm looking forward to establishing a more predictable schedule. On top of a returning routine we're busy planning our Easter Sunday. The kids (it feels weird not saying "the girls" anymore) are getting their pictures taken on Friday and it's our plan to have the baby dedicated on Sunday as well. We're hosting the dinner again this year after a break last year due to remodeling.

Today I set out some Easter decor, better late than never, and it's looking more festive. I'm struggling a little in the housekeeping department. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day yet I'm happier when things are organized. In time I suppose. I really am enjoying the down time I've had with the girls and cuddling with the baby and that's what matters anyway. Next month our town is giving out free "dump" vouchers and I hope the King can get a little time off to make a run with his truck. Our back yard has been taken over by clutter. I'm glad the stuff isn't in the house anymore, but it needs to be gone for good. It's that spring itch I guess, just wanting everything done at once.


me said...

I think you should have a break hosting this year b/c of a new baby...good luck with Easter and remember to delegate. ;)
We get free dump cards here and I love it!!! It's freedom to purge, how great is that! :D