Sunday, August 03, 2008


We did a ton of shopping this weekend. We bought all of Chiggie's new clothes, school supplies, and back pack for her 1st grade year. Luckily we found some really good deals and she feels great about what she got. The supplies were a lot cheaper than they were last year, but I found it odd that she needed 20 glue sticks!!?? The King needed a few things too. I think I forgot to mention that he is going back to school as well. He's still with the same company and they are paying for him to take a 3 week electrical course at their national headquarters. During his time at "school" he is staying at a nice hotel, has all of his mileage reimbursed, and has meal vouchers. He called me tonight just to let me know that his meal card has a $15 breakfast limit, $25 lunch limit, and a $35 dinner limit. Must be rough!


me said...

Ok so we'll hate him for that all-expense paid "school" trip, agreed? ;) I'm glad you got all C's stuff done, I bet that's a load off your mind! When does she go back to school? We are hitting the mall next week when we go to MIL's house in Denver. Wish us luck that we find the same deals. ;)

Family_Dauk said...

School starts here on the 18th. How 'bout you guys? Good luck with the shopping!

Christine said...

Nice work getting all the shopping done! We're heading out sometime this week to do shoe shopping. Our schools provide most of the supplies, but we have a list of "Optional things we can donate"

Ya know, I'd go back to school in a heartbeat if someone was paying that much for my meals too! Well, as long as they paid for Weight Watchers as well :)

Good luck to everyone this coming school year!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I want to go to "school" too, haha.

Good job getting all those supplies. I need to go out and get them too. School starts on September 2nd out here.