Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long Weekend

What are we doing? Not a whole lot. The kids are sick. School started you know. So we're dealing with sinus infections, pink eye, and just recently vomit. It has begun I suppose. I've done everything prevention wise short of spraying Chiggie down with Lysol the second she walks out of her classroom. Hmmm maybe I should try that.....


Christine said...

I think the building of renewed immune systems is my least favorite part of the beginning of the school year. I hope it's over quickly for you!

The minute my kids walk in the door I make them go use the bathroom and wash their hands. I'm really close to having them change their clothes too. Is that paranoid of me?

Family_Dauk said...

I've already tried that myself, it doesn't work. I think you're right. They just have to build up that immunity and in the meantime we must suffer. I just pray this year takes it a little easier on us!