Monday, August 18, 2008

1st Grade

All good things must unfortunately come to an end. Today we said goodbye to summer vacation. Instead of sleeping until 9 am I was up at 6 getting ready for the day. By 7 the girls were up, and by 7:45 we were walking to school. The weather was nice, but unusually cool. It felt much more like a fall day than a summer day. Chiggie was both nervous and excited. She had carefully chosen her outfit down to the socks and shoes over a week ago.

Upon arriving at the school, we found her classroom, and introduced ourselves to her teacher. I was relieved to see that several kids Chiggie knows are in the same class as well. We helped her unload her supplies and left just as the bell rang. It felt so weird to leave her there and walk home. I know she's safe and I know it's what is best just weird. What a great summer we had! Here's to an equally good school year.

**I took several pictures, but I'm having technical difficulties uploading them grrrrr**


Christine said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!

Can you believe our kids are in first grade? Eek! I'm glad she was excited and I hope this is an awesome school year for your whole family :) *HUGS!*

me said...

Still waiting for pictures, Miss Thang!? How are the other 3 handling it? I'm so glad the first day went off with a hitch...let us know how the rest of the week goes! :)